'im indoors

By imindoors

More Stuff.

Alongside the box of nostalgia that I uncovered yesterday was a box of cameras that I've either used over the years or just bought from junk shops.
This Kodak is one of the junk shop cameras and, I'm fairly sure, it doesn't work although, being as technically-minded as a gnat, I'm not really the one to ask.
Also in the box sat my trusty Zenit-E which was the first camera I took a photo with. As a 10 year-old boy, that was a feat in itself as it weighs roughly the same as a small car.

Yes, you've guessed it, I had another day indoors today. Yesterday it was the weather, and today I'm vaguely looking after 'er indoors who has been coughing like someone who's been on 60 Capstan non-filter a day for their entire life. I say 'vaguely' because all I've done is watch footy from the sofa while occasionally asking her if she needs anything.....and she hasn't.....so, er......I haven't really looked after her at all. She can't say I didn't try though.

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