Joe's Blips

By joesblips


Late arriving in Blipland today after a busy time, combining pleasure with duty. Duty came first. You will probably remember that my best friend's mum passed away over Christmas. More trouble today. One of his other friends has been diagnosed with cancer (hopefully treatable) and his mums sister, in other words the aunt, took a fall and broke her wrist. Much waiting about in hospitals for him I'm afraid but it appears misfortune does come in threes. Hopefully that's his lot for the year.
Todays blip was shot late in the day 30km south of here. I had been shooting more fluffy water with a view to posting one of the shots but after we took a walk on the beach, the northern end of the one on which the opening scenes of "Saving Privete Ryan" was shot, we drove away and almost immediately saw this.
It was so wonderful that I abandoned the idea of the fluffy water shots. What was really magic about this was the birdlife. You may just be able to see at the top of the scene a flock of starlings and even better, about a third of the way in from the left and just above the treeline there is a small flight of swans. The swans came sweeping across the road in front of the car and settled in the water off to the right out of shot. They were followed almost immediately by another bunch of swans who settled down beside them. It was pure magic and made a great ending to a day which otherwise contained nothing but bad news.

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