Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

Mother Son

Good Sunday, although it started at 8:30am with two and a half hours out in the snow to watch D.'s football match.....I think as long as football fields need to be plowed, there should be NO games :) it was cold!!

But then it was home to lots of coffee and pancakes, met friends for an hour of floor hockiey....which is great fun! And THEN we were invited to dinner which was lovely and which is where I was able to take this photo. Both C. and NP are very sweeet, and I think some of who they are shines through here.

So lovely day - it has been a fun weekend with the boys - I feel like we have done a lot and yet done so without any stress - with relaxing moments worked in- I think I am ready for Monday...... :)

Good evening to you all!

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