Dr Jones

By jones

Leafy Head

Here she is with the present she got from Christmas. She is on Orange 'pay as you go' which gives you 300 free text messages for every £10 top up. Less than two weeks after Christmas day, she'd used up her 300 messages !

Today I:

Had a cup of tea in bed with three blocks of Galaxy bubbles
Had breakfast
Swept the floor
Took my brother and niece to the station and waved bye bye
Did an hour of maths tutoring
Had lunch
Dropped off my son at the sports centre
Went to Sainsburys
Picked up my daughter and took her for her piano lesson
Picked up my son from sports centre
Popped home to pick up his piano books and took him to piano lesson
Came home
Went to pick up son from piano lesson
Had long conversation with piano teacher about putting them forward for the next piano grade (she is reluctant to do so - they've not been practising enough !)
Came home
Sorted out school uniforms
Went on flickr (someone has posted loads of old pictures of our house taken in the 1920s
Poured a glass of wine
Had roast lamb dinner
Cleaned the messy kitchen
...and now for the sofa

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