
By milltownlass

Has my blip mojo gone?

I think it has!

I struggled to find anything at all to blip today, and I feel totally uninspired. One of my furry models (the lovely Lottie) obliged tonight as I made a desperate attempt to find something to enter on my journal.

I've spent much of the day ironing and finally sorting out my Dad's digital photoframe. It was given to him by my brother, at Christmas 2009, then immediately passed to me to do something with. I'm rubbish at all things technical, but it's only a week to the first anniversary of Mum's death, so it needed sorting!

I took it round earlier this evening, but I'm not happy with the slideshow, so have brought it home to re-jig. Hopefully, when he sees it again tomorrow both of us will be happier with the balance of the photos on it.

I only now have to set up my own digital photoframe, which I was given at the same time!!!!!

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