As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

All-County 2011

Thank God it's finally over.

I have to admit, as stressful as it is, I always enjoy it. I love being surrounded by so much talent and people that really get the musical side of me (I'm multi-faceted so I'll talk about my other sides another day). The concert always sounds great. I wish we were allowed to listen to the band and the chorus, though... Alyssa was in the band and Maggie and Pat were in the chorus. I can't wait until I get the CD and can hear them. Alyssa's mom said that the orchestra sounded amazing, so that's good. :D

After the concert, I went home and chilled. I had Chinese food. Yummy :)

Happy 18th birthday and first blipday to Jenn!!!

I don't have much more to say...

Word of the Day: Felicitate - to complement upon a happy event; congratulate

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