Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

New Hats

I bought the boys all new winter hats and they came in yesterday. We are supposed to go to the snow this weekend with the youth group (prior to my pneumonia diagnosis), and I wanted them to stay warm. I knew it would also come in handy for winter soccer league. Here's my Liam in his new hat, he said he wore it all day at school today and doesn't want to take it off. I'm glad he likes it! Some boy at school told him kids aren't wearing those kinds of hats and I told him to tell this little booger "I wear it because I like it and I don't care if other people don't." Or something along those lines.

Kid "funny" of the day":

I asked Landon about his day and he said he had to draw his favorite food --- watermelon. I said. "Ooooh, I like watermelon too. I know you like it because it's sweet and you have a big sweet tooth". He says "Yep, and I know which one it is...the one in the front."

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