Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Thrust Bore

After doing an impromptu series of photos last week based around places from my childhood, this week I decided to do some based around my work. The subject matter may be limited, so by series I may mean 'couple of shots', but either way today is a good one to start on.

So this is a guy doing a thrust bore course. Thrust bore is where a cable needs to pass under something that cannot be dug up such as busy road. The shot here shows one of our candidates from Eon Central Networks practising at our custom built training area at Witham St Hughs. The guy is actually stood in about a foot of water, and I got a second angle shot on flickr to highlight the problem. The whole area is damp and soggy at the minute as the drainage is inadequate..... boring stuff over.

By boring stuff I mean the stuff that isn't intended to make you laugh and poke fun at myself at the same time. You know the usual material: Gary is unhappy today because of such a girl, or such an event, or he has been wronged by the evil powers that be and believes by telling a handful of people about it on a site not really designed for moaning somehow it'll all be better.

Well I know that no-one can make the cup of tea better that has just been provided for me, it had a little coffee granule slowly dissolving on the top. Why do ignorant coffee drinkers insist on using the same spoon for both beverages? Coffee is strong and by using the same spoon your transfer flavour. I've been thinking of a comparison that would make you laugh, maybe based around sharing a toothbrush after I've eaten garlic or something but I can't figure it out. So I won't.

Saturday is my 100th blip, but I'm going to Loughborough Friday night until Sunday so will probably miss it, although with it being my blip I guess noone will steal the slot. I should have gone in November to see my mate J so this is the second attempt. VIP in Rain nightclub as we know the owner. Hopefully good times.

Tonight I am going to pay a visit to the lovely lady behind this journal. She is brining me up to speed on a few of the manual features of my equipment, in readiness for a portrait course she is a tutor on. She has kindly found me some photoshop tutorials and the like to help bring me on as well. This is one of the beauties of blip, the mutual support and help available.

I would like to end on something amusing. So I can tell you the discussion at work today in the aftermath of the meal isn't abut my little Grimsby faux pas. It's actually all about who is (or isn't) sleeping with who, and who's partners looked nicest and who's partners need dipping in petrol and exposing to a naked flame. Obviously having no partner and sleeping on my own for eighteen months means my name has hardly been mentioned. Maybe I should have been sick on my beef meal or run up a massive drinks bill by ordering 'Cherry bakewell sourz' at six quid a time instead. However I didn't and so for today I am a spectator and not a particpator.

I think this is all for now.

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