Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Todays blip was actually an accident. I?ve been experimenting with the AV and TV buttons on my camera and it appears I let waaaaay too much light in when shooting the Uni from the top of Lucy Tower Car Park. However a quick addition of some shadows using Picasa and you have todays blip: not rushed or anything!

The shot is irking back to places that influenced me as a child. Technically this didn?t, and by not doing it actually has. This is Lincoln University, butt of jokes on Inbetweeners and somewhere I intended to go for further education. I?m not being big headed but at school I was fairly bright ? until I chose the path of girls, cars, beer and girls. I dropped out of A Levels and my chances of attending Englands 122nd best Uni had passed me by. Instead I?ll sit around lamenting my luck at not having been given EMA when I was a youth. (EMA is paying kids £30 a week to stay in sixth form education. I left because I needed £25 a week to survive. Bitter? Yup.)

I decided to ditch the work shots, seeing as I?ve decided that work bores me. I had a guy on a digger dropping dirt onto more dirt in order to prove how competent he is at dirt dropping. I would have been more interested if I had spent my time watching grass grow.

Last night I had the joy of BBC 3 and something about how Ecstacy works. The programme was actually extremely good, and surprisingly for the BBC it was objective as well. Sure we touched on the MDMA related deaths, the brain swelling and the other bad stuff, but it also showed how MDMA is being used to treat people with post traumatic stress. One lady on there was a middle class American who?s husband was dying of cancer. They couldn?t talk about it at all, so an underground doctor gave them some MDMA. It was so touching watching them finally talking through the cancer and the future in a video they made whilst on it. Sadly he died but she cherishes those times. Then it showed a middle class English student dropping bomb after bomb in a seedy warehouse somewhere in South London before talking shit for six hours and then returning to his parents £1m Surrey home looking like a beggar wearing sunglasses and dribbling. The drug debate eh? Both sides of the coin.

I used to know a few pillheads (Ecstacy users) and we all used to go on the nights out, never appealed to me though. The programme captured the essence of a night with someone on a pill perfectly. Made me yearn for the mid 90?s again. I?d love to say things like ?Hacienda?, ?Acid House?, ?Woodland Raves? etc etc but the truth is by the time I hit the nightlife scene in 1996 the Hacienda was flats, the Happy Mondays were the not so happy Black Grape and the only things I did in woodland involved our dog sally and a lead. I hit the clubbing scene as Britpop took off and the drug of choice was seven pints of Fosters which resulted usually in vomit stained shoes and a decreased ability to hold a conversation.

I can tell you something, those railings on the top of multi storey car parks really ruin all the good pictures I could take of Lincoln. Given that the fences are about six feet and mesh (hence very easy to climb) I don?t think someone who had got to the top floor would go ?on no theres a minor obstacle in my way that will take seconds to negate: abort mission, someone cares?. No, they?re going to climb it. Surely a ten foot Perspex sheet all the way round would be better? At worst someone is going to think they?ve jumped, only to wake seconds later laid in the same spot with a bruise on their head and people stood around laughing and filming it for you tube.

It?d also be loads better for bringing you my beautiful city from above, and cheaper than me going in a plane.

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