
By lifeandstuff

"Put the chocolate in the bag and nobody gets hurt."

pretty hectic day, Not in the best way either. Housey domestic goddessy type thangs in the morning, then kid to babysitter, afternoon in college. bleugh. I say bleugh because my course is dull as dishwater, but needs to be done for work. Luckily I only have to go once a month or so, but that gives me four weeks to push the coursework aside and forget about it. Better get on though, as others in the class are much further on than me. I have always got other things to do. Like blip! much more enjoyable than boring paperwork. So, got that out of the way, mad dash to pick up my precious laptop from work. (aaaah, my best friend is back, how I have missed her) Figure my laptop is a her. Theeeen, home to the wee one for much mess and chocolate krispy making. yaay!

The dishes are still in the sink though. maybe not domesic and goddessy after all.

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