The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Time for bed, Zebeedee

CJ in his "big boy" bed. New duvet, pillow and cover. Old blanket and teddas. Some things just can't be replaced.

Took Ella dancing today with her wee cousin - they had a blast doing the Birdie song with Highland heel/toe moves! Next week they get to stay for the full hour of Highland dancing.

Handed in Callum's pre-school nursery form today - he starts three afternoons at nursery in April - he is desperate to go and has to be dragged away when we drop off Ella in the morning.

Bag of clothes down from the loft revealed that Ella has now reached the hand-me-down school clothes of Hannah. She doesn't start until August which seems far away now but will be here before we know it.

Hannah found a box of old baby photographs. Turns out I've never made Callum a photo album of his baby years - added to my "to do" list for 2011.

It's been a funny old day!

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