My Aim is True



It's never nice to have to point the finger, however, point, I must. Another blipper has been blipping this phone box. Their claim is that they were unaware that they were purloining my muse. Hmmm?

Not much other news. Seem to have been listening to lots of old music the last day or so. Yesterday I came into the room whilst this was playing on the wireless (yes, on the wireless!). I knew that I knew it, but I just couldn't place what on earth it was until the end when Mr Maconie let me know. Goodness me it must be 20 (ahem) years since I last heard it. Mind you. In those days we only had a few LPs, so we got to know them all very very well. This is still pretty progrocktastic.

ATTENTION YOUNG BLIPPERS. Tonight I heard this and wondered if it still sounds excellent to young ears almost 40 years (gulp) after it was written, OR, does it sound really dated. *

New Years resolutions going well today, some light housework and no alcohol.

* The answer is the former, Young Blippers.

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