
By FauxPunk

Late bus?

Driving to work this amused me. Late wife because she sadly passed away? Or late wife because she foolishly relied on Cardiff Bus?!?

Good day at work today. Lots done again.

An issue at night... Decided to take advantage of pizza express offer... 2 for 12 quid. Phoned to order for collection, confirmed offer was valid first. They said yes but when I got there they demanded a code before they would give me the discount. I went to leave - most unlike me to be so balshy, but it was effective in getting the manager there promptly. She was really nice to be fair, but rather than using some initiative and just putting it through as sone kinda manager discretionary discount she insisted on making me find the code online, which mathew managed quicker than me. I would've left as a point of principle, but was starving and we'd only decided on the pizza as a last resort when we wanted nothing else. Got there in the end, and the pizza was tasty... Even if it was freezing cold!

Never mind, onwards and upwards. Big plans for work tomorrow, and it's also quiz night!

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