
By FauxPunk


Today was a good day :-D

Got up early(ish) to drive to Portsmouth & spend the day with Dave & Daniel - had never met Daniel before, so that was cool. Always good to meet new people.

I liked Portsmouth. The bits we saw were kinda industrial without being overly rough - (I felt safe!). We went for pizza which was very nice, and then to the amusements where I won no money, and everybody else got uber frustrated by the clearly rigged grabber machines. One Me to You bear was lifted and dropped no less than 5 times, and one Eeyore had a couple of narrow escapes too. Grrrr!

Took loads of pics, some of which will probably go onto Flickr later. Some frigates and aircraft carriers were moored - think Dave said one was the Ark Royal.

This one is of the hovercraft that goes to the Isle of Wight. Might give it a whirl some time!

With today's adventures, it now feels like I've had a proper weekend, and I won't grudge going back to work tomorrow now!

Can't wait til next time :-D

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