Crafty Girls Pics

By CraftyGirl

Good Intentions

When I joined Blipfoto at the end of August last year I said it would help me to move my camera from the manual setting and learn some new photography skills. The timing also coincided with me getting a new point and shoot camera for my birthday and if I look back most of my blips have been taken with that camera. I really need to start learning what all the letters on the camera dial mean along with how and when to use them.

A good friend gave me the book pictured next to my camera for christmas and it's pitched at the right level for my current photography skills. I'm getting to grips with Mr Crafty's selection of lenses and when to use them but that's about it. I want to put together a list of blip suggestions and I'm looking forward to the lighter nights returning so I can get out and about with the camera and start experimenting in some natural light.

Any suggestions for mini projects or tips and techniques gratefully received.

(Thanks to wintersixfour for his suggestion involving a Disney mouse couple in a compromising situation, I don't think the world is quite ready for that)

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