postcards from new york

By editrrix

I'm not there

Went today to see the Dylan biopic I'm Not There, written and directed by Todd Haynes. Highly praised by critics as being the "it" film of 2007, it left me wanting. I expected more subtly, more careful treatment of one of America's most-prized (and most reviled) living legends of a musician. While I was charmed by the idea of seeing Dylan being performed by a variety of actors, I found the final effect jarring and incohesive. Don't get me wrong, I was completely taken by the version of Dylan as he was portrayed by Cate Blanchett. She consumed the successful, angry, and vengeful Dylan with grace and poetry. It was worth seeing just to see her become the iconic character that has already been so immortalized on screen and in books. In all, it seemed a little pushed, with some actors getting short shrift, and others taking up far too much time in a film that could have benefitted by a little more editing and a tighter script. I guess this is why I don't go to many movies...

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