simple moments

By simplemoments

feed me...

even though signs clearly say not to, there were people feeding the geese this afternoon... so the noise level was deafening. not to mention the fact that no sooner did i arrive on the scene to see if i could snap a quick shot since i hadn't done a blip yet, i was practically attacked by them all. of course, they thought i, too, had food.... which i didn't.

this guy was just on top of close i could barely get pics of him. i'd back up a little bit...he'd follow - honking his displeasure at me, clearly wanting food. i kept apologizing - like that was going to be understood... sigh. soon many of his friends were swarming around me drawn by all the fuss - or maybe clammoring at the sound of the clicking my camera was making... wanting attention and their 15 minutes of fame.

but this won out... we'd made eye contact too many times and for too long, the connection established... and though i shouldn't or needn't, i feel bad for not having had some small token or scrap of food for him. ahh...the guilt...

happy day.....

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