
By lifeandstuff

Happy nearly birthday to meeeee.....

"Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul." ~Samuel Ullman

Ok, so it isnt really my birthday ....yet. But hubby bought me a nice bottle of wine and a lovely card and itunes voucher and insisted I open it tonight as I will be working late tomorrow. Aw bless 'im! Im not so enthusiastic about my birthday this year, as it is the first *1 after the good one when you feel your not a kid any more, I am not a kid anymore. But it feels very little time since I was. So.... hoping my birthday goes quietly. :) Luckily it will be me and my lovely wee youngest collegue tomorrow the others are off for various reasons. So, quiet day, with no cakes or any staff bursting into song ahead. :)

The doctor was a disaster. qute comical actually. Waited an hour and a bit, told her the problem, and she said "yeeeah, its murder isnt it? yeeeeah, your ear will be funny, theres fluid in your inner ear. Viruses eh? *shrug* yeeeeah, hmmmmm... you will feel dizzy yes. It might go away, might not, don't know.....well, i suppose I could give you tablets to stop the dizziness. Wont help though....." my phone was out before I even left to register with a new doctor's surgery! aaaaah well... all good in the end. Lovely smiley happy receptionist at my new doctors. If carlsberg made doctors....

Work was good, very very busy.. woohoo! Busy end to the week to come and its all fabby. All nice people in and no hitches. Lovely lunch visit from a friend who always makes me smile, and my bottle of wine from hubby when I got home. Im a lucky blipper. :D x

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