Rich Dyson

By EdinImage


From the age of 11 I played in Brass Bands, an artistic pursuit but one that became competitive in the various competitions. As a boy, you enter the competitions with good heart and believing it's a level playing field and judges are totally objective then as you get older you become cynical and believe the judges have it in for you - this is one of the reasons I decided to quit a few years ago and took up photography as a hobby.

Tonight, was competition night at the photographic society. I entered what I thought were two pretty good photos and waited for the judgement. The judges opening remarks were talking about her love of nature photography at which point I knew my landscapes would score badly. Sure enough, I got a 16 and 14, reasonable scores but not great, but similar to every other landscape that was entered.

I have obviously grown as a person, instead of getting annoyed, I accepted she likes things that I don't and it was her opinion. What more can one do than get a beer, take it on the chin and move on.

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