Club 107

By club107

A touch of frost

It was very nippy this morning as we all bundled into the car. As the week has progressed the children have been getting more and more tired. Doesn't augur well for the weekend as we have a guest/potential art exhibition/house cleaning to plan for.

I had planned to retrieve my watch, I am very much tied to my watch, except on holiday when it is removed to remove all time constraints, but the shop was closed. This in itself is not really worthy of note, however the walk into the local shopping centre was 'exciting' as I was followed by a man on a mission. That man was in fact on several missions, to swear loudly, to get service from some service provider, to be heard by everyone around, to threaten to go round and see someone called Ms Patel. He then endeavoured to strike up a conversation with me but I feigned deafness, experience me telling me, no eye contact never ever ever!

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