simple moments

By simplemoments

wall art... #10

i've been waiting for a more overcast day to capture this portion of my wall art... today was the day... it just seemed fitting not to have the sun shining down - beaming on it, don't ya think?

so an artist painting an artist sculpting another artist of sorts... do you have those kinds of people whom cross your path, enter your life? individuals who set examples, give you words of wisdom, paint pictures for you in this journey of life? they help you to create special moments so life isn't quite so difficult, so there's more fun, more laughter, many more smiles? but also bear burdens with you, let you cry, whine a bit, feel sorry just a tad... and with it all, allowing you to color outside the lines whenever and however often you want to?

i like to think of the friends that are in my life as artists for this is how they touch me every day... they are helping me to sculpt me into who i am today and see my most vulnerable spots. we share the high highs and the low lows... and i wouldn't have it any other way.

today is to artists... today is for friends...

happy day.....

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