As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

It's The Pits

Once again, backblipping=memory loss.

We had a Rube Goldberg meeting today and we made progress! We decided that our theme would be music (*cough* partially my idea *cough*). We are planning the machine on Friday and building it with all sorts of musical paraphernalia on next Thursday. I'm excited. :)

Me and my brother went to James' house for a Beauty and The Beast cram-sesh. We practiced for about an hour and then went to rehearsal. The school was packed because of curriculum night and a wrestling match. We parked a few blocks away...walking with a cello isn't too bad but when ice is involved...yeah...

Rehearsal went well. Mrs. D baked us peanut butter cookie things. They tasted soooo good.

It's the pits. (Get it? Pit band!)

These are the swan/duck things that I've been making in English and math. Brendan taught me how to make them and he has a bag with about 200...I only have 40 or so.

Word of the Day: Fain - Gladly; willingly

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