As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Blip Veteran

500!!!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

Well, in math we spent the whole class going over homework. In English, I realized that our student-teacher works at the 7-11 I go to all the time with Nick and Doug. Me and Chris practiced the cello concerto that we're doing in orchestra today. I really need to practice... I think I did well on my chem test that I took today. In bio we watched a boring video on how to make E. coli glow (we're doing that tomorrow). We went to the computer lab in Euro and basically got nothing done. I took today's picture in science research and in Italian I played Plants vs. Zombies in Italian. I ran a workout right after school with Kenny and then tutored three kids. Now I'm home and blipping for the 500th time.

But enough about me, tell me a little about yourself.

Favorites from the last 100:
Hard Sun
Ali In The Jungle
Peace And Blessings
Little Bunny Foo Foo
TED Youth Day 2011
Enlighten Me
I Can Feel It

Well, I guess I've been here for a long time. Does that make me a Blip veteran? In my mind, yes. But what does that matter. Point is, I love Blip and I hope it loves me back.

Have a lovely night, everyone.

Word of the Day: Shiv - A knife, especially a switchblade

#100 ~ And so ends my "wisdom". I'm probably more wise for stopping.

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