
An oddball sort of day. Swings and roundabouts, The cousins arrived about 11.30pm last night and went to bed around 2.30am!
#1 son came waltzing in about 10 having been on a night out! then went off to the pub with his two bosses!
Cousins left 12noon, dogs walked. Home, washing done, work done (in dribs & drabs)
Went to get new specs (hope you all like them) dragged #1 son out of pub as he is working again at 6pm and needed some shut eye! dogs walked again.

A yo yo sort of day with work in between mostly on phone or email. Hoping to catch up with my pal later, have a blether maybe a dram then bed and head off back up the road tomorrow. Been here long enough and getting bored , only stayed due to meetings etc and still trying to catch one more person but it seems unlikly!

How I long for my own bed!

Have a good blip friday all

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