Sticking my oar in!

Was going to go to Aviemore to see the husky racking but after yesterday's exploits decided to just not bother. Stayed the night in Glasgow but as #1 daughter was having friends, decided staying would be considered sticking my oar in if we stayed so discretion being the better part of valour...we came home. Boy was it windy! struggled to keep the car strainght with the cross winds of the Rest.
Mind you once we got home, got a lovely fire going and made a delish meal of home made spag bol with a glass of wine, well we decided to stay home, maybe next year we will get to see the huskies.
If its nice tomorrow we might take doggies on a nice forrest plod though mind you a lot of our forrests have many fallen trees after that last big gale.
So long as its dry, might even go beaver hunting!

Have a good blip weekend all

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