
By middleman


Morning of work and the familiar pattern of early afternoon jobs and then later afternoon heading out, this time with the girls to the soft play place they love. Took some photos on the way of the lovely Edinburgh sky behind us turning all shades of pink as the sun set (in black and white obviously, but one of them nearly made it as the blip for today - although it was the silhouetted scaffolding that made the shot a contender not the sky I might add).

Amazing how when you're a parent you can visit somewhere like a kids soft play which is possibly noisier than the launch pad of Cape Canaveral, and because you're used to all sorts of rambunctiousness in your daily life, can completely zone out and sit there with your latte and your back issue of Wire magazine and be more or less oblivious to the carnage going on around you. So , I can report on an excellent cover feature on my beloved Shackleton and a fascinating interview with dub pioneer Scientist who has some new remix thingummyjiggy out at the moment that I'd never heard of until today and feel I really should investigate right now with the view to making a purchase.

To end - the DSLR fund that I was hoping would gain a large boost tonight through a certain ebay sale of a rare film poster remains stationary unfortunately. No bids, no Nikon D80 for me tonight. Relisted. Next Friday it's gonna happen , it really is.

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