As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

It's Earth Science...Underwater

More snow. This might be the snowiest winter yet.

As I'm sitting in homeroom, a certain person walks by in the hallway looking very confused. It turns out to be Alex. Alex goes to Chaminade, a catholic high school. Not Wantagh high school. Chaminade was closed because it was the school's "birthday" so Alex said that his mom made him come to Wantagh to shadow people. I quickly told him to get into my homeroom because the dean walked by and he's not actually allowed to be in our school. Homeroom lasted 25 minutes today because of all of the people coming in late because of the snow. We sat there and my homeroom teacher (Ms. C) was pretty chill about Alex and didn't report him. Homeroom ended and Alex went to study hall while I went to gym. After that, he came to my science class. Mrs. S didn't notice him at first, but then she let him stay and we talked about how strict Chaminade is. Then he went to Mrs. D's class and took the social studies midterm and got an 86. He then went to art with Mr. P, and then my math class with Mr. A. He just sat there until Kelly dragged him to lunch with her. He stayed with me for lunch the period after that and got kicked out sometime during 7th or 8th period. I took my global midterm 9th and it was probably the easiest test I've ever taken.

There was a meeting for winter trackies today after school. I found out that I'm not getting a varsity letter. This seriously impacts my plans to get as many varsity letters as possible. :( Mr. S said that I needed four meets. I went to as many as I possibly could (2). I couldn't go to the other meets because of serious conflicts, such as orchestra and pit practice (wow I didn't realize how much cello interferes...). So, there is one more meet tomorrow and I didn't think that I could come. Now it turns out that I can go, and I think that I'll get the letter now. :) I texted Marty and he said that I could run the 800 in the SMR (sprint medley relay?). I think I'm going to be very slow and I told Marty that but he said that I'd be fine. Hopefully I won't hold the team back too much...

We had an epic let's-get-things-done kind of meeting for Rube Goldberg today. We have 10 of the 20 required steps and we are going to make even more at our construction session next Thursday.

Word of the Day: Totemic - Pertaining to an object or natural phenomenon with which a family or group considers itself closely related

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