
By nicky

Strawberry mushroom

Today I ate the last of the sweets that I brought back from Japan, and very nice they were too! This is one left over from the sweets I took to my Japanese class this week - they were all very appreciative of the treat.

The weather is a bit miserable here today, but I've managed to get myself motivated to start work on decorating the kitchen walls. I've cleared all the stuff out, sanded down all that needs sanding, and now that I've had my lunch, I will fill all the holes that need filling. Then tomorrow, I can paint! I've decided to just go with an off white paint for now, because I've got some left from another room, and it means I wont' have to make any decisions about what other colour to use. It will look clean and bright anyway.

[edit: this sweet is not as big as it looks in the picture - it's only about an inch long.]

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