
By Instography

Not to be crossed

If I'd had my wits about me this would be a better portrait of an attractive woman with a big hat and quite striking green eyes (although you wouldn't know that because it would be in black and white of course) but I didn't ask Katri, one of the participants on the portrait course today, if it was OK to post her photo here and being young she probably has a social life so probably isn't in to reply to the email asking if it's OK. So, instead, you get this scary man.

Good course. Lots of useful ideas although they need to be translated from big fancy-pants studio light into flash-gun.

Since I spent most of the day indoors with pleasant people doing enjoyable things, it's not really been a day for killing. There was the woman who runs Ewan's swimming class asking parents not to hog the cubicles by leaving Jemima's clothes in a pile on the seat. The request of course is a sensible one and it's quite depressing that it needs to be made at all. It's the wheedling tone when asking people to do something that would come naturally to anyone whose existence isn't centred on their own convenience. "If you maybe could please, pretty please use a locker. I mean it doesn't bother me. No, not at all but the parents coming next ..." The implication being that these unknown anonymous "parents" are the whining selfish babies. Not the people hogging the cubicles. Not a capital offence. Maybe she just needs a good hard slap.

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