Give us a hug!

15 months + 1

We've had a friend all day today! Emma came to play for the day whilst her family moved house. We picked her up this morning, nicely in time for her to have a coughing fit and vomit all over herself. And the (old) house hallway. She was fine though, although had no more clothes due to them all being sent to the new house already. Thankfully, yesterday I bought a coat in the sales for Katie and had a larger size hoody too so we found some clean clothes!

We went to the library and the ladies were very amused to see Emma following Katie round, all protective and taking Monkey to her if she left him and stuff. One of them came and did a little mini story time with them, they were really pleased.

We had a play in the play cafe and a second breakfast for the girls. Katie was dressing up again, it seems to be something she's rather into at the moment. Katie has spent most of the day going up to Emma to give her cuddles, as she is in the blip. We came home for some lunch - Emma ate hers and half of Katies, Katie ate none of hers and a lot of mine. I made a second lunch.

Katie did well to go down for a sleep, even though emma was playing with a lot of energy. Mid afternoon my friend Vicki came round. It was nice to have a second adult for a bit of company actually, and someone to distract the other whilst I changed (yet another) dirty nappy. I took Emma home after their tea, by which time Katie was about ready to flop. She managed to make it to 6 before I took her up for a bath - I say took, I mentioned the word and she belted out the room to the stairs herself!

Once she was asleep, Vicki and I had dinner, a movie, chocolate and a good chin wag. A good day all round.

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