must try harder

By halfcj

Blowing away the cobwebs

Not feeling my best blippers!

Had the Duggies round last night. Put the world to rights over a bottle of bubbly, eight bottles of wine and a bottle of whisky...and B's not a drinker!

Confession: Didn't rise until noon this morning, but then maybe going to bed at 7.30 am has something to do with that. Cooked us a brunch - full English, or was it Scottish or Irish? Included black pudding, soda farls and potato cakes? Does that make it Scottish or Irish? Not sure. Anyone know? Unanimously agreed that wherever it eminated from beyond our kitchen, it was the antidote needed to survive the remainder of the day.

Only thing left to do was walk it off, blow away the cobwebs from the night before. Bushy Park was the ideal venue. It was dull and bleak with what little wind there was still managing to nibble at your cheeks without feeling bitter. Nevertheless, it always manages to bring your spirits up and makes you feel better, feel alive.

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