
By Mimthing

Here come the boys.


I knew from last Sunday that the lads would be back out again this weekend.

Whilst walking Django I spied/heard the lads in a nearby field.
I enquired as to how long they would be out for........."all day" came the reply.
That pleased me some-what, meant I could catch up with them and see them working their ferrets.
I have owned ferrets but never used them as a working animal, they were just house pets, mostly because we didn't have the time to work them.

Long to short.......I found the lads in the field opposite the house where Django lives, so after a few short words -Django's owner is not impressed by the killing of animals, although he does eat meat- strange!! I legged it over the fence with camera in hand and took a few photo's.

I gained permission from their parents to upload this photo.

What I see is a bunch of young lads who live in the countryside, they are out on a weekend doing what has been done for years and years, the rabbits are dispatched very quickly.
They are earning a bit of pocket money.
Most importantly, they are not sat at home watching tv or playing on some mind numbing computer game.
They know how to paunch their kill, they know where to find the liver, heart and kidneys and save them for making the gravy.
They know not to let the animal suffer and if one gets away they know it has won ...well today at least.

I look forward to seeing these boys grow to be men.
I hope that the friendship they have now will last through to old age.
I am sure it will.

Let us all be thankfull for the space we have and the free country that we live in.

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