All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Markers in the forest

The cottage we're staying in has 3 bedrooms. The first few nights we were here, we put Ethan in his own room but he hated it. At home, although he doesn't sleep fantastically well, bedtimes aren't usually an issue. Here, it has been a real problem both getting him to sleep, during the night and he keeps waking around 5am. So last night we brought the travel cot into our room and that seemed to work a bit better.

Hubbie has been great though and after Ethan comes in with us for a bit when he wakes up, hubbie then takes him downstairs and lets me have a lie in! Unfortunately one morning when Ethan was in our bed, he was playing with the baby monitor and managed to whack me over the eye. It's now coming up with quite a vibrant bruise!

Today we went for a "woodland walk". It was absolutely baltic but I really enjoyed it and hopefully the fresh air will help Ethan sleep! We also visited some local craft workshops and bought a few things.

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