All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


One of the benefits of going in to work at silly o'clock on a Friday (anything before 8am is silly o'clock to me) is that I got to see the gorgeous sunrise at Edinburgh Park this morning. I wasn't the only person who came out the building to take photos of it either!

Ethan had a good day with Granny & Grandpa today. Foreveryoung came over with Eden late morning too so he had them to play with too. It was the 2nd last session of Bounce & Tickle today. The lady who runs it is having to stop as there aren't enough people going to justify it. It's a shame cos she's lovely and Ethan has great fun at the classes. I first started taking him when he was only a month or so old and Granny & Grandpa carried on taking him when I went back to work. Bit of an end of an era really.

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