Pax in a Box

By paxinabox

Does Anybody Have the Time?

A nifty shop near where we live sells a bunch of random things such as this. I had to have it, so my mother-in-law got it for me for Christmas because she's awesome and loves me. It really defines me as a person.

It took me five days to post a picture on here, and I wanted to be sure it wasn't another five days before I posted something, so I rushed around the house to find something worthy of photographing (as I said yesterday... it's cold...). Ideally, I'd like things to be artsy, but I suppose they don't have to be. I played with the brightness a bit on this because we don't have the best lighting in the house, and I'm iffy about using the camera flash. I feel like it drains the image rather than adds to it. I suppose I should invest in something more one day.

After I took this, I decided that the picture I'd post here would be of the brunch burritos I'd yet to make. But then after I made them, I didn't like how those pictures turned out. So I went back to this one. I can take better eggy pictures another day.

While I'm on the subject, I love eggs. I can eat eggs any time of the day, any day of the week. In an effort to be healthier, I've decided to go with egg substitute. Still delicious. Shredded mozzerella cheese, salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, Chile chipotle seasoning... mmm... I guess the innards could be a bit better (maybe no salt, maybe no cheese), but shhh. And of course no delicious eggy meal would be complete without a nice cuppa coffee! And now we've come full circle.

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