
By Fisherking

...The greatest love of all.......

Thought I'd blip part of my "I love me" collection tonight.

First heard it described as that in a documentary about fighter pilots, basically it's a collection of trophies etc on display for all to see.

We have several in our house:-

The Son and Heir has all his hockey trophies, Player of the Year. League Champions, North West Colleges Champions medal, County Honours, North-West England Honours,Greater Manchester Youth Games Medals, Lancashire League and Cup medals, the list goes on and on. Plus of course his Manchester 2002 Commonwealth Games Volunteer medal.

The Daughter has all her pony trophies and rosettes, plus her hockey medals North West Colleges Champions, Player of the Year, Greater Manchester Youth Games medlas, Bolton League Champions and Cup medals, and Bury medals.

The Boss has her rounders trophies and medals plus her Quiz League and Cup trophies.

Me, I have Athletics trophies, Badminton trophies, Angling trophies, trophies and awards from when I was Chairman of Bury Jaguars Hockey club,Coaching awards for Hockey and Angling, Manchester 2002 Commonwealth games Volunteer medal, two sets of Quiz league and Cup trophies (a double double), my framed 2002 Commonwealth games shirt, my framed 2008 National Angling Championships shirt, plus these three glass trophies. On the left is Bury Sports Council "Official of the Year" 2008, in the centre RAS Specimen fish trophy 2009 and on the right my award from Bury Jaguars when I retired as Chairmanin 2008.

When we first got married all my trophies were kept in a box in the attic, then the Boss started playing rounders and winning trophies and they went on display, the Son and Heir was next, and then the Daughter and so I decided to get my old trophies out again.............. and win some more.

Well you can't have these youngsters thinking their dad is just a boring old fuddy-duddy, now can you?

Das vidanya until tomorrow.

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