
By Fisherking

......a hard case with a soft face.......

This is a real emergency blip tonight.

Been chilling all night for the first time in weeks. Long day at work, and the feelings about Geoff are resurfacing as Friday and the funeral approaches, so tonight I didn't feel like doing much.

The Boss and I ate and then settled down to watch a film...."The Green Zone"....a thriller about aftermath of the Gulf War. It was good too.

But then I out to the garage.
First thing that popped into my head.
My new piece of fishing gear.

So here it is, my new Preston's "Hardcase".

Can you imagine how tough it makes you feel, walking round witha bag slung over your shoulder that says "Hardcase"? Ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh well, it's the best I could come up with at short notice.

Das vidanya, I promise I'll do better tomorrow.

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