
By TrishaR

The Bard

Today, is Scotland's most celebrated poet and lyricist, Robert Burns birthday. He was born on 25 January 1759 and in Scotland is commonly known as The Bard. His most famous works are Auld Lang Syne (which is sung all over the world), To a Mouse, Tam O'Shanter, and many many others. One of my favourites, My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose, I have shown in my picture here, along with a picture of him at the back. Quite a handsome fellow and it is written that he had many casual love affairs.

Burns Night is celebrated all over the world. Haggis is eaten, whisky is drunk, bagpipes are played, poetry is read - a good time had by all. I have found notes that my grandpa had written of Burns poetry, which he used to read at a Burns Supper every year. His favourite poem was Tam O'Shanter. I remember getting taught all about Burns at Primary school and being so interested in the poems. I can still recite To A Mouse!

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