Let's Hop The Atlantic

By spav

After Blood, Sweat and Tears.

Well, not quite. But the first two weeks back at uni were a lot of effort and hard work to make this set. (Note the jaggedy roof - I used a jigsaw power tool to cut out bits of those! And hammers and nails for the trim and etc etc etc)
Thursday was busy. Class, class and more class. Then, at 1, Blaire and I went to Wymilwood with Sasha and Emma for some nice chats and reading of The Varsity around the table.
Blaire and I headed off downtown on the subway (other possible blip a photo of the subway - the TTC, the Rocket and the list goes on) so she could replace her lost phone in the big massive Eaton Centre and I was going to find a winter coat/boots. However, the mindset for shopping definitely didn't arrive. Blaire got her phone and we spent ages in Bodyshop and a while in Aldo, where all the boots are just like Office and have no grip whatsoever.
Got back just in time for me to get to the Bader Theatre by 4pm, when we started setting up the first show of Arsenic and Old Lace. Trim with hammer and nails and many other odd jobs.
I postered every single lampost along Charles Street West (on BOTH sides!) and by the end couldn't feel my hands.
Started selling tickets at about 7pm and then got to watch it up on the balcony. Good show; funny, good acting, GREAT SET.
We all (cast included) went out to the Duke of York afterwards, which is apparently a wannabe British pub. (Hence the name). One free drink token which was pretty awesome and I bought a Bulmers Cider. I couldn't really contain my excitement. It was a really nice chilled night for just a couple of hours and got chatting to a couple of the crew and cast members, as well as the rest of drama society exec.
Home through the snow with Kim and Maia.
Emma and Blaire up chatting when I got back and Emma ended up staying over so that was great too. A really lovely day, in fact.

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