
By kissy

The mouse

Me:"What's that noise?"
Mr B: " I think Schnozzle-cat has brought in a mouse"

Mr B: "I can't see any remains but Schnozz is sitting by the washing machine watching underneath it very intently, I think the mouse might be under there"

12.45pm (by text):
Me: "Progress here! The mouse has been chased into the downstairs loo. I've shut the door. Hope your presentation is going well x x"

Me: "Bugger!! I need to set the alarm and the alarm box is in the downstairs loo! I know, I'll bang on the door to frighten the mouse into a corner where he can hide while I put my hand around the door to set the alarm"

1.15pm (by text):
Me: "Hello Em, I've popped into town. Just in case you get home before I get back, there is a mouse in the downstairs loo courtesy of YOUR cat! I've propped a broom across the door to remind us not to use the loo x x"

Judging by the scraping noises, the mouse is trying to escape! I hope Mr B is home early tonight!

Here'e the mouse! He had hidden himself in the basket where the spare loo-rolls are kept so I sneaked a very quick Blip before Mr B gave him back his freedom!

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