Wandering Gypsie

By WanderingGypsie

Happy Birthday

To my littlest minion! He turns 2 today!

He's something else! a walking personality, that has really come to shine through lately! Super smart as well. Knows letters of the alphabet by sight, problem solving at times that even boggles my mind how he figures it out.. Though i'm wondering..what the next years will hold if he's this much of a handful now.. lol!

In other news, my Rover has been rescued from the impound lot. it's dead.. had to jump start it to drive it home. it's parked back on the side of the house until we figure out what we're doing with it. too cold really to figure out exactly how bad the damages are. so it'll sit.

Also.. i'd like to say Thanks for all the views! I logged in today to see i was pushed well over 10k views! this made me a happy girl today! WOO HOO!

Take care all!

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