
By itcouldbelove

a kiss from me to you :)

The problem with being at school and taking pictures is that I like to take shots with natural light, but it's winter here and I have class in the morning and afternoon. On Mondays and Wednesdays I have a few hours of daylight after class, so I decided to take advantage of it today. Just wanted to experiment.

I'm having a lot of trouble working with my skin these days. My face has been really weird and blotchy lately, so if my make-up isn't fresh, it's really hard for me to smooth out my skin. I don't have the best handle on the clone brush yet... I can work it for small areas, but not large ones. You can see where I did a bad job under my eye on the left.

I know the editing on this isn't really perfect--I think, partially, because I messed around with it forever and it still didn't do exactly what I wanted, but I may have also overdone it. Oh well. I still kinda like it.

I've also been trying to find tutorials and such that help me work with eyes. I finally found a couple of good, helpful tutorials last night that I liked and could understand, so I did a little work on my eyes here.

Anyway! /end rambling :)

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