Ice, ice, baby
Freezing today. Quick morning trip into town to deliver documents to the Notaire (lawyer). All seems set for moving out on the 21st, but when I asked the Notaire about that date she just shrugged. So who knows... Makes it kind of hard to make moving plans though. On then to our local town hall (up in the mountains) to get the identity card we need to be allowed to use the nearest rubbish tip. Our commune doesn't have one so shares the (larger) neighbouring commune's facilities. That, of course, requires some bureaucracy. Inevitably, in the week's gap between being told by the tip that we had to get a card from the Mairie, the rules have changed. We now have to get the card from the tip. Using the most important document any French resident can have: an EDF bill. Without this, you can achieve nothing.
Took the kids for a little explore up the river today, thinking I would take some shots of an old iron bridge about half a mile upstream from us. Instead, here's a bit of ice. I wonder if there is an age limit to being entranced by sunlight through ice? Or by how it traps little bits of leaf inside it. The 6, 9 and 40 year old on today's field trip were all entranced, so perhaps not. In fact it was Conor who called a halt: "Mam can I put it down now - it's really cold and running down my arm?"
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