
By anni

Yippee, snow!

I really really can't complain about snow if it keeps on making the kids happy. Our evening ice skating ended up with kids climbing up the snow wall around the ice rink and jumping down to the fresh powdery snow on the other side.

And another yippee for the sun that came out today! Oh how I had missed it during the last weeks. I even managed to leave the office before the sunset.

I realize I'm having the 200th already. It reserves a tiny little remark that I'm totally fascinated by your journals! I'm fascinated by the everyday journals that take me to the same family, same garden, same beach, same streets time after time and always show a new beautiful view to it. I'm fascinated by those who take the time and effort to find spectacular things or persons and make spectacular phorographs. And I'm fascinated by those who experiment photography or editing and find new views to everyday objects. And, of course, I'm fascinated by those who take me to the far away places! (In short, thanks for sharing!)

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