
By anni

A rose it will be tonight

Another long work day and I barely got home in time to kiss the little ones goodnight.

My work day consisted of following subjects (among many others!):
- meteorology and forecasting
- commercial fishing of zander
- the environmental economic impacts of reindeer herding
- the positive economic impacts compared to negative health impacts (caused by small particles) of heating houses with wood

And I by no means know nothing about any of these subjects. But it's fascinating to listen to the people who are enthusiastic about their area of expertise.

And I did learn that the reindeer herding area covers one third of all Finland. I didn't know that, being from the south.

Thanks so much for the congrats on my 200th! (I will be back to you later during the weekend.)

The rose? It was left behind by one of today's presenters who didn't want to take it to his flight. It received some playing with the curves, just for fun.

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