Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Lago Dickson to Los Perros - Day 4

Much easier day today but the campsite still felt a long time coming. Most of the day we were climbing steadily through really old woodland with a carpet of orchids, broken up by the odd view point out through the trees of the mountains. Then right at the end of the day the terrain changed completely and we climbed a rock slope to a view of Glacier Los Perros where we nearly got blown over and nearly lost our waterproof pack covers to the icy wind. I did try and take a photo of the glacier but it was chucking down and the lense got raindrops all over it. You could hardly breath it was so windy.

The campsite was set in the trees a short way on from the glacier but it was icy cold. Luckily there was a big shelter with wooden benches and tables and an old barrel made into a smokey wood burning stove so we hid out in there and cooked dinner and played cards and ate a lot of chocolate until it was time to force ourselves out to the tent. Slept in full thermals and a down jacket totally enclosed in my sleeping bag which is supposed to go down to minus 10 and I still woke up in the night shiverring. So, so cold!

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