People that pass by

A busy day with a meeting in Oban all afternoon. Missed some stunning sunsets on the way back, wrong place , wrong time!
Gave my Celtic Connections tickets for the Wilders to #1son to cheer him up after him having to spend £180 to get his car out the car pound due to his parking after 4pm ! He seems to have enjoyed the concert so thats something.

Went to my really serious camera club, they were picking pictures to submit to a big camera club competition. None of my two made it but at least I now have a better idea of what they like so it was a useful exercise. They are a nice bunch of folks always willing to help and I enjoy going.

Hubby has a roaring hot log fire on and Im just about boiled but its soooo good.

Sorry blip is boring but like I said I missed all the good shots!
I may even have a wee dram!

Have a warm blip evening all

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