As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Glove Your Cello

Midterms :(

I had bio at 8:00 and Italian at 2:00. When I first walked into the gym, I was astounded at the amount of desks in there. There were so many. For our midterms, we have to stay for two hours, but we're allowed to stay for three. I was the sixth to last person to leave the gym for bio. I stayed until there were seven minutes left. Alyssa, Avery, Kaitlin, Lindsey, and Kenny (not the annoying one) were the last five. I thought that it was a fair test, but there were so many long answer questions. After the test, I decided to eat my lunch in the lobby whilst cramming for Italian. The Italian midterm was much more difficult than expected. Granted, I didn't study a wee bit, but we were lulled into a false sense of security. She practically gave us the test yesterday but her grammar was so bad that I couldn't understand half of the questions. I don't blame her, she's juggling Spanish, Italian, and English inside her head. (Yes, I know that most kids in Europe can speak multiple languages fluently. That is most definitely not the case in the U.S.)

After that test, I went to Wendy's with Maggie, Jess, Hayley, Katie, and Sophie. There was a glove on the sidewalk when we were walking there and apparently they saw it when they went to get bagels in between bio and their language midterm because the minute we came upon it, they all screamed "I GLOVE YOU!!!". I think that's quite clever.

Me, Jess, and Sophie took an adventure to King Kullen to get some candy. I got some chocolate and caramel things and we brought back a box of Rice Crispy Treats for everyone. These were the ones that you can write on so Jess pretended to be the mom from the commercial by writing her locker combination on there. Oh yeah, we also saw some Nips in the store....hard Nips.

I had MYO tonight. I think I did well on my seating audition. Towards the end, our conductor began to reminisce about her time as an All-State clarinetist. She said that in some song, the cellos had the melody, and when they played it, they all swayed with the music and danced with their cellos. She sat behind them wishing that she had the melody so she could play with them, and even more that her clarinet would turn into a cello so she could sway with them. Right after that concert, she switched from violin to cello. She told us to love our cellos and sway with the music during a certain part in the Rosamunde Overture. Sometimes, me and Andrew goof around and exaggerate our playing by swaying a lot, so of course, we did that today. we also did the funniest pizzicato motion ever. You had to be there, and I'm honestly sorry that you all can't see and experience the things I do.

So this is a combination title of I glove you and love your cello.

Word of the Day: Dharna - In India, the practice of exacting justice or compliance with a just demand by sitting and fasting at the doorstep of an offender until death or until the demand is granted

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