
I'm working my way through a day, it would seem. Today you get lunchtime at the zoo. I was actually quite impressed with Ben's eating today (in terms of amount, maybe not table manners) (must upload that little video to youtube at some point). Most of his sandwiches, only a nibble of brioche, and nearly a whole apple. Impressed! If you remember Kong, I offered Kong some of Ben's waffle one day. Ben was most upset thinking that Kong was actually stealing his waffle, and promptly stuffed the lot into his cheeks. Today however Ben was feeding stuff to the Gruffalo. And then I turn my back for a moment, and come back to find them tucking into a brioche. I wouldn't mind, except it was MY brioche that the Gruffalo and Lavender Lamb were tucking into.

This morning the potty scored a hit AND a miss: a tiny bottom was plonked squarely onto the potty, but a tiny something else wasn't quite tucked in properly.... Hey ho, not bad really, all things considered.

I didn't bother getting Ben dressed before we set off to get the car MOT'd, it's a 40 minute drive away and I figured I could dress him while we were waiting. And he had lots of shiny cars to climb around as well. And, even better, he fell asleep on the way home so he's had an early nap which should mean an early bedtime, right?! Nearly teatime in that case.

Not much more to report on the day really. Apart from, the sun shone and has shown me up somewhat. But, every cloud and all that... :)

Off to try and extricate myself from Ben and make him some tea. See you all later.

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