jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Not really sure how high my hopes were for today. I am full of cold and very tired and really not in the mood for potty training. However, I had promised Ben a pants day and so we have had a pants day. So. Ben did not want to wear a nappy; nor did he want to sit on the potty. He was very upset every time he did a wee though, because his trousers got wet. He has obviously not made the connection yet.

We have had:

4 x wet pairs of pants and trousers (his, not mine)
1 x poo which missed everything except the floor
2 x wet pairs of slippers (his, not mine)
2 x bribed sits on the potty which resulted in absolutely nothing

This has been a common sight today. Everything is in the wash now, and we're back in nappies. And Ben got very upset when he subsequently did a poo in his nappy and I had to reassure him it was ok, he was in a nappy.

I think we might give it another go tomorrow if the morning starts out well. This morning didn't: Ben was not interested in sitting on the potty at all. But Steve is home tomorrow, Ben might be more willing to try for him.

Otherwise it's back to nappies, and be happy with morning ablutions being done on the potty for now, until Ben decides he wants to go further.

Other news: Ben has not had a nap today. This has not helped my mood.
We did make a batch of chocolate sponge cupcakes however. This did help :)
And I made carrot and orange cupcakes last night which apart from the weird cream cheese topping (I have since discovered a second - better - recipe in the same book for cream cheese topping) they were lovely. I have eaten 3 today and they're not small.

News from last night: after Ben's early nap, and early tea, he DID also have an early night! In bed and asleep and me downstairs before our small group ladies came round at 7.45pm. Result. Happy. And he didn't wake up as I expected at 10.30pm either, he gave us another hour and a half! He also didn't wake up until 8am this morning (not including wakes in the night for boobage). I don't think the early night and late morning have helped with either the potty business or the lack of daytime nap.

Roll on tomorrow.

Steve is home.

I am VERY tempted to go to bed.

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